Mini Dental Implants in New Jersey

Mini Dental Implants in New Jersey Union City Implant Dentist

Are you suffering from missing teeth or loose dentures? Are you ready to get your smile and your confidence back? At half the size and half the cost of conventional dentures, mini dental implants are the affordable solution to replacing teeth and stabilizing loose, uncomfortable dentures. Union City implant dentist Dr. Diana Rodriguez has been helping patients throughout New Jersey and New York City look and feel their best.

Thanks to mini dental implants, you can go from having gaps in your smile or dentures that slip out while you’re talking to having a permanent solution that is secure and allows you to eat whatever you want. As the leading provider of mini dental implants in New Jersey, learn how we can help you achieve a smile that you are proud to show off. Schedule your free consultation with Dr. Diana Rodriguez today.

What Are Mini Dental Implants?

Mini dental implants are fast, convenient, and safe alternatives to traditional dental implants. While traditional implants will remain an excellent solution for some patients, mini implants are often a better solution.

This type of dental implant is a single unit with three parts that differ from the three pieces of a traditional implant. These parts are:

  • The socket
  • The ball
  • The O-ring

An artificial tooth is attached to the post using a rubber O-ring, which means that no abutments need to be attached before the tooth is placed. This little change makes a big difference because it eliminates an entire step involved in traditional dental implants.

You can use mini dental implants to replace one tooth, several teeth in a row with a dental bridge, or a complete set of teeth with snap-in dentures.

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Unlike traditional implants that often require a bone graft, mini dental implants require much less bone structure. This means that if you’ve been told you are not a candidate for a traditional dental implant in the past due to jawbone deterioration, you may still be a good candidate for mini dental implants.

Do I Need Sedation?

Anxiety and fear about going to the dentist are very common. In fact, it’s estimated that up to 80% of adults in the U.S. have some degree of dental anxiety!

For most dental implant treatments, you will have conscious dental sedation in which you will feel relaxed and drowsy but still be awake and aware of the procedure.

General anesthesia is not usually used for mini dental implants in New Jersey because there is a higher risk of respiratory distress. Unless general anesthesia is completely necessary, we tend to opt for the less risky option of conscious sedation.

Conscious sedation can be administered via IV, oral medication, or nitrous oxide gas in conjunction with local anesthetics to numb the area.

What is Recovery Like for Mini Dental Implants?

Since mini dental implants don’t require as much bone density, it is a much less invasive treatment than traditional dental implants, making the recovery time much faster.

If you have a single missing tooth replaced with a mini dental implant, you can often walk out of the office that day able to eat an apple if you’d like to. Compared to the long recovery times associated with traditional dental implants, recovering from mini dental implants is much easier.

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You still need to take care of your mini dental implant the same way you would your natural teeth. You should regularly brush, floss, and rinse with mouthwash. Even if you have a full set of mini implant dentures, you can still develop plaque and tartar, which can cause gum disease or other periodontal issues.

To avoid oral health issues, take exceptional care of your dental implants.

Flexible Financing Options

Our Union City dentist understands the financial constraints of her patients. We know that not everyone will be able to afford their mini dental implants in a single payment, especially if they are receiving multiple implants or full mouth dental implants. We proudly offer multiple flexible financing options that allow you to get the treatment you want and need without worrying about large up-front costs.

Unfortunately, most dental insurance companies are not going to cover dental implants. Furthermore, almost 47% of Americans don’t have dental coverage. We don’t think this should prevent you from getting the treatment you want and need, and our flexible financing options help you get the life-changing treatment you need today while making affordable monthly payments over time.

Mini dental implants can change your life and give you a better-looking and functioning smile. Contact us today if you need more information about our dental financing options.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

If you have been looking for a better solution for your missing teeth or loose dentures, look no further than Dr. Diana Rodriguez, the leading provider of mini dental implants in New Jersey. With mini dental implants, you can eat your favorite foods again, talk without worrying about your dentures slipping and restore your confidence.

See also  Mini Dental Implants in New Jersey Restore Smiles

If you are interested in meeting with our Union City mini dental implant dentist, please schedule a free consultation with Dr. Diana Rodriguez. We welcome the opportunity to put a smile on your face.

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